back pond reflection
back pond reflection
back pond reflection black and white
back pond reflection black and white
field signals and back pond reflection patch at end of the world New Orleans
field signals and back pond reflection patch at end of the world New Orleans
Back Pond Reflection - January 2023 , acrylic on canvas , 70"x70", by Mahoney Perkins

Shown Fall 2023 JWLKpress workshop open house, included in LSU School of Art Summer Contemporary July 13, 2024

The painting reference was sketched from a skiff in the pond behind my studio. The image is an oar puddle reflecting the blue sky and levee tree line on muddy water. The painting is a two-layer 50/50 hand-drawn/cut gradient mask. I printed the design on a couple t-shirts and grommet banners, one of which I installed at End of the World park in New Orleans.

My grandfather built the pond in the 1960s, using excavated gravel to widen nearby Plank Road. For decades, friends, family and neighbors have fished here; I caught catfish as a kid, though it's now stocked with sac-a-lait. The studio is located on my family's home ranch in northeastern Louisiana.

back pond reflection patch and tsirt
back pond reflection patch and tsirt
back pond reflection underpainting
back pond reflection underpainting