Lower Garden Variety
New Paintings and Prints by Mahoney Perkins
at Nola Nacular Gallery
1172 Magazine St at Erato, New Orleans
Opening reception 9.7.24
Closing Reception Saturday 9.28.24

Nola Nacular Gallery @nola_nacular
1172 Magazine Street at Erato
Saturday September 7
6-10PM , no cover, Thanks!
Gallery hours: M,Th,Sa,Su noon-5ish
Lower Garden Variety
New Paintings and Prints
Mahoney Perkins @mhny @jwlkpress
Art by Gus Haugh Doyle
Songwriter Showcase:
7-10pm with:
Angie Marias @angiemation
Joshua The Block @joshuathebock
Hex Windham @hexwindam
Jim Smith @jimsmith_neworleans
and Kate Baxter @katebaxtersings